

The City of Jackson is conducting a city-wide Stormwater Master Plan Assessment. The goal of this assessment is to develop a master plan that addresses current and plans for future stormwater impacts that the community could face in the coming years. This comprehensive planning document will guide the City in future infrastructure improvements. This wholistic assessment includes:

  • City-wide stormwater analysis and updated hydrologic and hydraulic model,
  • Development of a comprehensive database of the city's existing stormwater infrastructure,
  • Review of the current system's performance during regulatory storm events,
  • Evaluation and identification of future stormwater infrastructure improvements,
  • Define a prioritization outline of future improvments projects.

Planning an effective drainage system is crucial for maintaining and protecting the City.

We Want to Hear From YOU!

You, the citizens and residents of the City of Jackson are the most familiar with the existing stormwater issues. Therefore, we need your participation in this planning process. Your input is crucial!

The planning process includes a variety of community engagement opportunities to ensure that you and the project team collaborate in identifying areas with flood risk, where infrastructure improvements should be focused, and understanding how the drainage system should be expanded.

Please use the provided tabs to:

  • View the interactive map and leave your comments
  • Take a quick project questionnaire

Your real-life knowledge will help make a safer, more-resilient City.

