The City of Fort Pierce is developing a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan to prevent and significantly reduce roadway fatalities and serious injuries in our community.

This project site will serve as the central location for information about the plan as it is developed. Check back regularly for information about opportunities to share input and review findings and recommendations.

Why is this plan being developed?

The City of Fort Pierce applied for and received a federal grant to fund the plan. Funding comes from the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary program. The program provides funding for safety planning, demonstration projects, and implementation projects. By developing this plan, Fort Pierce will be eligible to apply for implementation project funding to implement identified safety projects.

Planning Process Timeline

The Comprehensive Safety Action Plan goes through several phases of development, with opportunities to provide input at each phase of the planning process. The timeline below provides an overview of the planning process. It will begin this fall and is expected to finish by the end of Spring 2025.
  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Idea Generation

    This phase will focus on idea generation. Where are crashes occurring? Where do you want to see safety improvements based on your own experiences? The project team will be collecting this information in the following ways:

    • In-Person Public Kickoff Meeting in October
    • Online Survey (question survey and interactive map to share input)
  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Idea Refinement and Prioritization

    The second phase of the project will focus on taking all of the trends and community ideas and combining them into a prioritized list of projects and strategies.

    Public input for this phase will take place at three neighborhood meetings throughout December and January. Input at these meetings will be used to create draft plan recommendations for projects, policies, and programs to improve transportation safety in Fort Pierce.

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Recommendations and Action Plan

    The final phase of the planning process will focus on developing the plan recommendations. The recommendations will be organized into phased strategy of short, medium, and long-term actions and investments to improve transportation safety in Fort Pierce.

    The draft plan will be posted online for community review and feedback. The City of Fort Pierce will also host an open house in Spring 2025. The purpose of the open house will be to review and share input on draft plan recommendations in person with the project team.

    Based on community input for the draft plan, the project team will finalize the plan for adoption by the city council.

    Once adopted, the planning process will conclude, and the City will begin the process of implementing the recommendations summarized in the final plan.

Safe Systems Approach to Transportation Safety

U.S. DOT has adopted a Safe Systems Approach to transportation safety. It works by building and reinforcing multiple layers of protection to both prevent crashes from happening in the first place and minimize the harm caused to those involved when crashes do occur.

The Fort Pierce Comprehensive Safety Action Plan will use a Safe Systems Approach to identify projects, policies, and programs to improve transportation safety in Fort Pierce.

More information about the Safe Systems Approach can be found here.

Principles of a Safe System Approach

  • Death and Serious Injuries are Unacceptable.
  • Humans Make Mistakes.
  • Humans Are Vulnerable.
  • Responsibility is Shared.
  • Safety is Proactive.
  • Redundancy is Crucial.

Transportation Safety Trends in Fort Pierce

Fort Pierce CSAP
Fort Pierce CSAP