About the Plan


Welcome to the project website for The Curb Reimagined, Hoboken's Curbside Mobility and Parking Action Plan. The first phase of community engagement is now complete, and the survey and interactive map have been closed. You may view the results of the interactive map by clicking the tab at right. Thank you to all those who completed the survey, interactive map, or attended a virtual or in-person workshop. We collected 1,000+ survey responses and 250+ interactive map comments.

Stay tuned by checking this website for updates on The Curb Reimagined, including how we are using your feedback to inform the plan. A second phase of community engagement will begin in Fall 2024.

What is the curbside?

The curbside (also known as the curb lane) is the space on the street immediately adjacent to the curb. This is a public space with many potential uses, such as loading and unloading, bus stops, passenger pick-up and drop-off, bicycling, and outdoor dining, in addition to parking. Especially in dense, urban places like Hoboken, space at the curbside is in high demand from many people, businesses, and groups. Some say that "double-parking is a way of life" in Hoboken, but chaos at the curb doesn't benefit anyone.

The graphic below shows some potential uses of the curbside:

A graphic showing various uses of the curb and how many people use each of them per day (or a similar statistic). These include parking, loading, micromobility, bikeshare, and more.

Graphic from Curb Appeal: Curbside Management Strategies for Improving Transit Reliability; NACTO, 2017

Active management of the curbside helps to manage all these competing needs and create space for everyone. We want your help to create a plan to better manage our curbside space. We are taking a look at how the curbside is managed today in Hoboken and making a plan for how it can adapt to meet the needs of everyone and advance our city goals. Together, we can create a curbside that works—one that is safe, efficient, and supports our values.

In addition to looking at the curbside, we are taking a broader look at parking and mobility for all modes in Hoboken to understand how our transportation systems can be improved. Through this plan, we will develop strategies to align the management of Hoboken's curb space with our goals for safety and mobility.

Learn more about the plan by clicking the tabs at right to watch the video or view the results of the interactive map activity (open from May to July 2024). Stay tuned for updates about future engagement opportunities.

Planning Process

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Data Collection - Winter/Spring 2024

    During this stage, we completed a digitized inventory of how all curbside space in Hoboken is managed. We also reviewed previous planning efforts, the municipal code, and industry best practices to inform the plan recommendations.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Community Engagement Phase 1 - Spring 2024

    During this phase, we showed you what we learned from our curbside inventory and asked for your thoughts on how we can improve the curbside in Hoboken.

  • Timeline item 3 - active

    Recommendations - Summer 2024

    During this phase, we are compiling what we've learned and developing recommendations to prioritize and improve curbside space.

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    Community Engagement Phase 2 - Fall 2024

    During this phase, we will preview draft recommendations and give you the chance to weigh in.

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    Action Plan - Fall 2024

    We will publish a draft of the plan. You will have the opportunity to review this plan and tell us your thoughts. We'll use this feedback to prepare a final version of the plan.

  • Timeline item 6 - incomplete

    Plan Adoption - Fall/Winter 2024

    We will move toward adoption of this plan by the Hoboken City Council.

Past Events

Thursday, July 11, 2024 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

In-Person Community Workshop

Thank you to those who attended the workshop at the Hoboken Multi-Service Center (124 Grand St).

Thursday, May 23, 2024 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm

Virtual Community Workshop

Thank you to those who joined our first community workshop! A recording of the virtual workshop presentation is available here.


Watch this video to learn about this plan and how we manage the curbside in Hoboken today.

View Interactive Map Results